Friday, November 09, 2007

Is it that hard?

I'm not always the most graceful person. However, before I became my current size, I was fairly good at sports, dancing, and general acrobatics. That said, I'm finding some humor in the fact that these guys can't do jumping jacks. It reminds of when my mom took me to sign up for kindergarten (yes, I remember). One of the things they had us do involved skipping across the room. There were a couple of kids that couldn't do it. I guess they were trying to identify developmental delays.

So I feel guilty thinking this is funny, but if I had been the guy leading PT that morning, I would have busted a gut. That's why he is the professional and I am not.


DBA Dude said...

Wonder if any of them spoke English?

They have my level of physical coordination.

Sezme said...

I think they at least knew they were to imitate the actions of the guys leading PT. I think they usually have translators, too.

A few guys got it. I thought some things were just universal.

I feel bad for thinking it was funny, but one guy looked ready for the stage (guy in the center).