Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Well, when you have nothing to say....

You cat-blog!

I have no air-conditioning. I'm waiting for a guy to come out and fix it. "They" said he'll arrive between two and four, which means I have to be ready to go out (going out tonight) by 2 pm, because I won't have time to do it if the guy is here. And, if I have to leave before he gets here, I'm going to be a wreck coming back here by myself. It would be a little much to ask my cousin to meet me to walk me in tonight. Hopefully, the a/c guy will be gone before I have to leave.

Now, for the cat-blogging. (I miss my kitties.)


Anonymous said...

lol, very cute!
There's nothing funnier than seeing a cat get scared and jump like 3 feet in the air.

Sezme said...

Especially when they go end over!

Big Bad Wolf said...

Check out cuteoverload.com. After you browse and go "awww..." a few dozen times go to their search feature and type in 'Winston'. Trust me, you'll love it.

Sezme said...

Oh my goodness! The "Kitteh tamed by bird" was soooooo cewwwwt! Winston was too funny!