Thursday, December 14, 2006

Riddle me this!

What do chocolate, ice, Three Mile Island, and I have in common? We are all capable of a meltdown. You know you're drained when you show one of your classes Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (they are just as fried as me and it's an elective course) and you sit there silently analyzing the deeper meaning to finding the golden ticket and it chokes you up so much that you have tears in your eyes.

Damn. Ok...this is where my head went: Finding the golden ticket represents how we find ourselves in a position of unexpected luck/blessings. Oh wait...but I am not done: The children and their families are used to show that all walks of life can experience the blessings and luck, but it is what you do with it that matters. Only the truly grateful will receive further blessing....ok that's when I started to well up with tears. Now I ask you, what happened to that bad-ass, hard, "F" the world, girl that existed only a few years ago? Huh? Again, I say dernit!

Now jump ahead to me in line at the grocery store after school. There I stand contemplating what an idiot over-analyzer I am, beginning to also contemplate some stressful stuff, including possibly buying a new car. So you get the "woe is me" picture, eh? In walks a woman with a cane. I felt bad for her, but remember this is all about me...(that was a joke, btw). I remembered back two years to when I was walking with a cane, in severe pain, and gasping for breath half the time (I was a mess). Then I remembered, "Duh, D****, you idiot, you're so lucky and blessed. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. God knows your needs before you do...all of them. Be thankful you aren't still in killer pain everyday...walking with a cane."

So what did I learn? Find something to be grateful about, today. Even if it was some tiny thing you thought was insignificant...might be a huge thing to someone else.

I'll pick back up on the Christmas presents tomorrow. I'm a bit too fried to do it justice. Have a good night/day...whatever. :) BTW...anyone got any recommendations for cars? I need a V6 and lots of leg room.


Anonymous said...

Ford GT?

Sezme said...

Yeah...when I win he lottery. Sweet car! I'll buy one for me and one for you when I win that lottery.

Anonymous said...

Sah-Weet!!! I'll hold you to it.

Sezme said...

I'm generous to a fault!

Sezme said...

Umm...I checked my numbers. I didn't win. sorry.