Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Freeze Creeps! Nobody Move...

Or I'll beat you with Christmas presents!!!!

Today's Christmas presents (if I actually could give everyone presents) go to John D., at Nobody Move. The gifts I have for John are perfect for him. First, I'd like to give him all the movie tickets and popccorn he can handle. His Friday movie quotes are always chosen so well...a sure sign of a film buff.

For those evenings that John is bored by the all of the movies and needs a break...I'd supply him with all the books he could ever want to read by his favorite author, Donald Westlake.

Merry Christmas, John! Oh, and here is a special vehicle for you to use on those pesky highways. It comes with its own kick ass security system, too!

Did you think I forgot a song???? is 12 days before Christmas!

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