Monday, October 22, 2007

Guess what today is?????

It is National Nut Day! Yep, it is a day to celebrate nuts!

Of late, my favorite type of nut to eat is a nice salty cashew. I eat a handful everyday. So, get some good fats and eat some nuts. I'd stay away from peanuts; though, you might turn into Jimmy Carter or something.

Ok. It was this or write about the Cuban Missle (Missile--thanks DBA) Crisis. Missles? (Missiles?) Nuts? Maybe I should have chosen the missles (missiles). [I had been awake a whole 1/2 hour when I wrote this....geesh.] ;P


DBA Dude said...

National Nut Day - new one on me.

Have always felt sorry for people with nut allergies, having to be so careful about what they can/cannot eat.

Never heard of the "Cuban Missle crisis" - some form of beauty contest? :)

Sezme said...

Well, if it is a crisis, I guess the missiles aren't so beautiful.

Ok, so I misspelled something. I shall go kiss the feet of the English teacher gods and ask for forgiveness. ;P''''''''' NOT! It was really early in the morning.

IHeartQuilting said...

Well, I didn't have much blogging time this week, so I missed nat'l Nut Day. As nuts go, I like almonds mostly.

But Nat'l Nut Day could have taken a nasty turn, RT. Good thing Wyatt didn't see your post!