Saturday, October 13, 2007

Because I care. . .

Really, I do.

A lot of the people who read my blog are menfolk, or women with menfolk, so I when I saw a web article about what men should eat every day, I thought I'd pass along the information.

Then I got to thinking about how you all love to enjoy adult beverages. So, I thought I'd share how much the menfolk should be drinking (not of my own devising; got the list somewhere):

Recommended Intake of Alcohol per Day

Men and healthy moderate drinking
: It is possible to drink alcohol and be healthy. In fact there is a lot of evidence that drinking small amounts of alcohol is good for you. Research suggests men (and women) who consume one or two alcoholic drinks per day have a lower death rate from coronary heart disease than abstainers. The recommended safe intake for men is around 3 units of alcohol a day. That is 21 units per week.

One unit of alcohol is the equivalent to:

  • a regular strength glass or small bottle of beer/lager or
  • a glass of wine or
  • a small measure of spirit
  • Reminder: A single can of strong beer is around 4 units of alcohol.
Well, of course I had to cover all the bases. What else do men need?

Be sure you get your check-ups (yeah...all of them). Well, the womenfolk want you all around for a really, really long time.

Also, make sure you're getting some, well, a lot.
Well, if you have problems in that area...Reader's Digest (yes, Reader's Digest) has a list of things to improve your chances of enjoying yourself more. (This is for men and women.)

So, there you have it, guys: eat, drink, and have lots of sex!

Hey, it is free advice. What else do you want from me?


DBA Dude said...

"eat, drink, and have lots of sex!

In that order? :)

Thanks for the heads up on this.

Sezme said...

Well, eating and drinking the right things in the right amounts will help in that last area. ;P

You're welcome for the heads up.

Umm...the Americans are laughing at your use of double entrendre. Heh.

Anonymous said...

I'll just stick to my three or four guiness after the hockey games as far as diet goes. I started reading the 11 things to eat article. And almost stopped when I couldn't figure out what in the hell a folate is. Then I did stop halfway through when talked about refrigerating your nuts, which is guaranted to have a detrimental effect on your sex life.

The sex article was a hoot. I'll never be able to look at a tube of Tartar Control Crest the same way again :)

Sezme said...

From what I remember from sex ed., the nuts need to be warm...hopefully not over "an open fire."

I was thinking about the dental "benefits." I wonder if that is why guys who like guys have such nice teeth. Heh.

My personal favorite is...

Dr. Claire Bailey of the University of Bristol says there is little or no risk of a woman's overdosing on sex. In fact, she says, regular sessions can not only firm a woman's tummy and buttocks but also improve her posture.

Yippeeee! Going to the gym without the cost! I think I need to find a personal trainer.

Sadly, I seem to be hurting my health these days. Grrrr!