Monday, November 27, 2006

Seaching for ????? in all the wrong places!

Ok...after an emotional few days, from which I am trying recover, I have figured that I really have nothing to say. So...I've been keeping track of some odd searches (as I know you all do) that lead to my blog. Here are five of them:

1. "you should never shove a banger up your arse at halloween video"

2. "Love" (Huh? Am I capable?)

3. "free lewis fraks after the war" (What the frak?)

4. "scientific term for poo" (Ummm...wouldn't it be poo?)

So y'all, I'm going to bed early. I had a long day of teenagers deciding that they didn't need to listen to me while I taught the finer points of how Shakespeare chopped up the English language to suit his rhythmic and poetic purposes. I'm beat.

Nightie, night.


Dionne said...

Have a great day tomorrow. Hey, and we should count our small blessings, prison break ended well tonight so thats got to count for something ;-).

Sezme said...

WOW!!! That was crazy good!

Unknown said...

Bill Shakespeare was the man. It's a shame that kids don't understand it. Well, have a nice night.

Sezme said...

The handouts I spent four hours creating on Sunday came in handy. Today's class had a much better appreciation for what he actually put into his work.

I'm making them translate sections into modern-English (contemporary) to show their understanding. Well...after the lengthy quiz that includes quotes.