Saturday, November 18, 2006

Maybe now you'll understand...

what I mean when I say I am a complete English major dorkwad geek! William Faulkner, as did many authors at some point, wrote for the Hollywood machine. It seems a few or more years ago his daughter came across a manuscript for a vampire movie. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!! A VAMPIRE MOVIE!!!! Sorry...the genre just gives me the shivers.

Faulkner is an amazing writer, but his movies were always hacked. Hopefully, this movie will do him justice. I really hope it is good.


Reel Fanatic said...

Pardon my French but a Faulkner vampire just makes me want to scream out "holy shit!" .. there's no way this won't just rock, even if it is extremely odd

Buckaroo Banzai said...

My mother is a fish.

And don't rip vampire movies! The Blade trilogy is one of my faves.

Sezme said...

Faulkner is just so good at creating off-center intensely weird characters, or characters that have no other choice but to go mad. The only close-to-normal ones are people like Eula Varner. I'm partial to her. Large gal, fecund goddess...but I digress. I just think a Faulkner vampire that hasn't been tooled by Hollywood is an awesome concept. (Thanks for stoppying by.)

I didn't make fun of vampire movies. I love vampire movies. I like the Gothic kind born of Romanticism and Victorianism. Maybe it is the male dominance or something. I'll have to check the psychoanalytic nature of them. See...just got all geeky English major on ya.