Saturday, September 29, 2007

Sunday Song

Lately, I've been finding myself, while in prayer, saying that I have to believe that God is real and that He hears me in addition to seeing what is going on in my life. Today, I had one of "those" talks (me ranting) with God. I'm frustrated by a lot areas in my life and the news I received yesterday about my aunt put me over the edge a bit. But, I keep saying "I have to believe" that the faith I have had for so long is real. I've seen evidence of God's provision and His answers to prayer. I'm human, though, and sometimes it just all gets to be a bit much.

God's sense of humor? After my hissy fit, I was eating my lunch and almost seriously choked on a pea. A PEA! It was down that wrong tube...scary. But then a few minutes after I dislodged the deadly pea, my best friend called me to see how I was doing because she had felt the need to do so.

So, today's Sunday song is what is in my heart. I've never heard of this singer, but I really like her voice (If I could sing well, this is how I'd want my voice to sound), and the song itself is good.

Song: "I Have to Believe"
Artist: Rita Springer


USA_Admiral said...

Great song for a Sunday.

RobC said...

Wonderful song. I am also learning to "listen" more often. :-)

Sezme said...


Yes it is. The listen thing is hard sometimes. Trust me.