Monday, August 06, 2007


If you go to this link, you can go through a ton of cartoon character match-ups to choose your favorite. It is a little long, but it came out to my favorie: Bugs Bunny. :) Carrots for everyone! And for Vinnie, chocolate covered carrots (blek).


Anonymous said...

Bugs wins hands down. Some tough choices there though: Bart vs Homer, Calvin vs Hobbes (can you have one without the other?), also Daffy vs Calvin. These are deep questions!

Amen to the choco-carrots, and you can add Popeye's spinach to the choco-list too. He ate that crap straight from the can! Takes some big cahones to chug it like that - it's like Wyatt and Alabama Slammers at man's weekend

Sezme said...

Wyatt drinks Slammers? I never saw a guy drink those, before. They are fruity-licious, though.

I loves me spinach!