Saturday, August 25, 2007

Marry well, sweetie....

People laugh when I tell them that my IQ, ability to speak well, and my ability to write have suffered since I started teaching. Welcome to my world.


Anonymous said...

The poster girl for how much our education system sucks.

rachel said...

When I used to help out at a grade school, I wanted to tell some of those girls, "You might not grow up to be pretty." Too many of them seemed to think that being cute was enough... I wonder who gave them that idea.

Sezme said...

Yep, there are places in this country where the education system does suck. It angers me that schools don't hold higher expectations for kids. The students will reach the level you place for them, whether it be low or high. I am fortunate to teach in a school where parents have really high expectations for their kids. It helps reinforce the expectations my school has for its students.

I look at the curriculum of other schools in other states every now and then to see what we do differently. There are some states I would never move to just from looking at the curriculum I've seen.

My job is crazy pressure and stress, but I'm proud of the job I do and the kids that leave my school.

Sezme said...

I've joked with students when they try to be cute to get by. I say, "Your mom told you that your special didn't she?" When they say, "Yeah." I say, "Well, she lied."

They know I'm joking, but it also gets across the point that they need to work on the brain power and stop charming their way through life. It only works for toddlers.

LBJ said...

I can imagine what her "talent" was to get that far in the competition.

But you can only blame the education system so much, she as likely had parents who taught her that looks were more important than knowledge.

My Mom got colon and a female cancer when I was four and had multiple surgeries including some disfiguring ones before she passed. Looks were not an item of importance in our house, strength, grace and growth were. It was a hardship on all of us I wish we hadn't experienced, but it shaped how we viewed our opportunities to grow.

Sezme said...

I agree. :)

At any point in our country's history, there have been girls just like her.

I can't imagine trying to have a conversation with the girl. I can be kind of airheaded at times because I get nervous, but she's a bit exteme, eh?

Anonymous said...

My God, why didn't she just pull her shirt down and say, "Want to see my bobbies?" I would have sounded more appropriate and intelligent.

Anonymous said...

*Note to self*
When trying to slam someone's intelligence, PROOF READ!
Damn it!

Buckaroo Banzai said...


Sezme said...

Just remember, she'll be raising the next generation. Yup.