Thursday, January 04, 2007

Ummmm...think we need to be a bit hardcore these days, eh?

Apparently, our National Guardsmen have been overrun at the border. Damnit! The failure of our ability to allow ourselves proper security is alarming. I'll add one more emotion to my list, today--pissed!

Of course our country's main concern right now is the Donald vs Rosie debate and any other thing that can keep the media from focusing on our country and our concerns overseas. Ugh.


rachel said...

The problem is the ROE these guys work under. It's like the entire nation is living in fear of litigation. I wish we had more people running this country that were less worried about what everyone else thinks about them and more worried about seeing our way of life surviving the next hundred years.

Where's Chesty Puller when you need him?

Sezme said...

Maybe we need some areas in our country that are granted immunity from prosecution and civil litigation. If we allow two-bit diplomats and their parasites have it...