Saturday, January 06, 2007

MEMEME-Am I tone deaf?

Wyatt posted a no-tag meme on his blog about what he finds attractive. Ok, so here is my list (not in any particular order):

Intelligence & Street Smarts
I list these two together, because you can be the most intelligent person in the world, but if you don't have common sense and street smarts, you're going to have problems. An MIT graduate that can't handle dealing with people would not be a good thing. At the same time, I do like to have conversations that go beyond sports, so that is why intelligence and street smarts are combined. And I really don't mind if I'm not the most intelligent person in the room. I like to learn from others. College doesn't = intelligence, either.

This is really important, probably the most important. These qualities, combined, are usually found in people who are patient. I hate when people lose their tempers and make asses out of themselves. Sure there are frustrations that pop our corks once in a while, but to be in a constant state of grrrrrr is not a good thing. It is stressful. I hate confrontation and I hate feeling stressed out about walking into a place where confrontation awaits. Someone who is kind and gentle tends to want to understand other people and their potential rather than always sit in judgment of them, too. So, that is a good thing in my book.

I'm sagittarius, so this might be why creativity is so important to me. Again, I think it has something to do with seeing people/the world in a way others might not see them. Creative people are usually open-minded and up for learning/trying new things, too, which can never be a bad thing.

Awesome sense of humor
I love to laugh. I cannot stand when people are so into themselves or their "seriousness" (or life's seriousness) that they cannot laugh. I really like silly, stupid movies or smart humor. It doesn't matter. The ability to banter and throw one-liners=awesome!

This doesn't only apply to money. Generosity with time, energy, thought, and the other items on this list are probably more important. The whole what's mine is mine and what's yours is mine thing pisses me off.

This was hard for me, to be honest (oh, someone who is honest/trustworthy is really important...super important). I don't really talk about these things.


Dionne said...

Good list!! I had sense of humor on my list and that is one thing that my husband still has!

Sezme said...

Hey if you're going to be together "forever," you might as well be able to laugh and learn to find some humor in the rough patches. Laughter cures a lot of ills.

Buckaroo Banzai said...

Laughter is overrated. I'm not funny, and I get by.

Sezme said...