Sunday, January 21, 2007

They matter

I was going to write a post about how truly amazing the movie Dreamgirls is, but after wandering around the news-oriented sites, I've decided that something is way more important. Something so important that I don't really care about Hillary and her millions, Barak and his hype-machine, the press and their licking of politicans' boots. I don't care about who is divorcing, marrying, boffing, or having children with whom in Hollywood, or anywhere else for that matter. I don't care that the O.C. has been cancelled or that the Eagles won't be playing today. Something way more important has happened: We lost 25 of our soldiers in Iraq on Saturday. We have soldiers that get injured or die somewhere on this earth on a daily basis. That is the real stuff, what is important. They have families, lovers, children, friends, and others who care about them deeply and now there is a missing part in their lives. A piece that can be imitated, but never replaced for a sure fit.

Keep those people in your thoughts. Trust me, Brangelina is not worth our brain cells.


Ssssteve said...

Right on RT!! Great insight!!!

Sezme said...

Thank you. Oh, and thanks for coming out of hibernation. ;)

wrecksE said...

Well said, as usual :)

Sezme said...

Thanks! :)