Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Good deeds and eye candy

I finally finished all of my grading and planning. I can come out to play again. In my dream world where I can have any cool, funky hair cut/dye job and ragin' clothes I want, and not worry about being professional, I'd have this guy on my arm. Well, he does good deeds for the troops. He's creative. He's mad smart. Ummmmmm....he'd scare my relatives. Yeah. I haven't given them a good scare since my chain wearing days.

I'm gonna go take a really cold shower now.

Just to add to the "yummy," The Cult. I can't believe this song is almost 20 years old. Dang.


wrecksE said...

Billy Lane rocks!!! That was awesome.

Sezme said...

I heart Billy Lane!

Deathlok said...

You must have a deep seeded need to wash someone.

No wonder it took me 29 years to get married. I didn't realize that "clean" was overated.

Eh, live and learn.

Sezme said...

Grrrrrrr!!!! Water? Soap? Hmmmm....HA!

I've seen him "cleaned up" in some photos and video, and he "cleans up" well.

He is quite the womanizer from what I hear. That is instant a-holery right there, though.