Friday, June 15, 2007

Really long, totally voluntary, MEME

This MEME can be found at Parkway Rest Stop. It is a pretty humorous blog out of NJ...go visit. If you decide to answer all or some of the questions, please let us know you did, so that we may visit your blog to see what you wrote. Hey, it is a chance to pimp yourself! :) This is really long, but I have no life, so it is ok. :)

Were you named after anyone?
My mom swears that I was named after one of my dad's girlfriends after he said "no" to Maria and Marjorie Helen [Thank God for that small favor...even though it was after my grandmom.]

When was the last time you cried?
Today, on my way home from work. Not talking about it.

Do you like your handwriting?
Yes. I've worked really hard at it. It was messy when I was a youngin'.

What is your favorite lunch meat?
German bologna (must have sour cream and onion chips with it)

Do you have kids?
NO! I spend my days with up to 400 +/- students I have taught at any given time during their four-year stay at my school. One hundred or more a year.

If you were another person would you be friends with you?
Not sure. Probably.

Do you use sarcasm a lot?
What kind of freakin' question is that? I gave a class an answer sheet to an exam yesterday. There were 50 questions. A kid asked, "How many questions are on the test?" I said, "One hundred." That student and friends thought I was for real and asked where the other answer sheet was. Yeah. I love sarcasm.

Do you still have your tonsils?
Yep, and they are HUGE!

Would you bungee jump?
Ab-so-freakin'-lutely not!

What is your favorite cereal?
Golden Grahams or Cocoa Krispies

Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?

Do you think you are strong? Mentally...been told I am, but I know better.

What is your favorite ice cream?
A mixture of Haagen Dazs chocolate and coffee ice creams are way yummy!

What is the first thing you notice about people?
Their eyes.

Red or pink?

What is the least favorite thing about yourself?
My weight. I also have a hard time believing compliments. I hate that. I want to be grateful.

Who do you miss the most?
My best friend is getting ready to move more than half the country away from here...I'll miss her the most. (Well, I've let go of all the "baggage" and you do tell your friends more than your grandparents.)

What color pants and shoes are you wearing?
I'm not wearing pants, and I am not wearing shoes.

What was the last thing you ate?
I just ate a cheeseburger delivered by a really stoned delivery guy. My mom said she could smell the herbage. Hey. How does she know what that smells like? Hmmmm.....

What are you listening to right now?
I am watching a Phillies game.

If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
Brick red or burnt sienna

Favorite smells?
What the air and earth smells like after it rains, popcorn, pumpkin pie, leather, and sandalwood...not all combined, but sandalwood and leather....yee gads watch out! That's a man scent...drives me...nevermind.

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
My mom, to tell her I was leaving work and to see if she needed me to stop anywhere.

Favorite sports to watch?
ICE HOCKEY! Baseball, football, NASCAR, UFC, and sometimes skiing.

Hair color?
Some gray that needs to be dyed. Natural color? Reddish, light brownish, auburnish. Dyed? Same thing, but with blonde highlights. I'm thinking of getting a little more blonde/strawberry blonde when I get my hair done Wednesday.

Eye color?
Really pretty blue eyes. That is one good thing I know I have.

Do you wear contacts?
Yes. Not all the time, though.

Favorite food?
Fried chicken and mashed potatoes

Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings. It doesn't have to be a tear-jerker, just some hope is nice.

Last movie you watched?
Pirates of the Caribbean (with one of my classes).

What color shirt are you wearing?
I'm not wearing a shirt. I'm wearing a gingham night gown.

Summer or winter?
Fall. I love the smells of burning wood, wet leaves, and the warmth with a cool breeze (plus the humidity is usually low).

Hugs or kisses?
While I love a good hug, I like nice hot, wet, monster kisses. Not that I like to kiss monsters...well, given my past...nevermind.

Favorite dessert?
Ice cream.

What book are you reading now?
I read for a living. However, in addition to summer reading for school, I will be reading Joyce Meyers's The Power of Simple Prayer and Preston & Child's The Book of the Dead (suggested by a teacher at my school) for my own enjoyment.

What is on your mouse pad?
A really cute kitty cat.

What did you watch on t.v. last night?
Reba reruns, American Chopper, and some hot rod show, then Craig Ferguson.

Favorite sound?
Rain. Guitar. Piano. The whine of steel guitars, especially in old, sad country songs.

Rolling Stones or Beatles?
Beatles. I really don't like the Rolling Stones. My mom used to have an original copy of Meet the Beatles and I used to love listening to it, especially to learn to harmonize (well try to harmonize).

What is the farthest you have been from home?
Los Angeles. Misspent youth.

Do you have a special talent?
I've been told as such. What? You think I'm telling you that? Never!
One that I can tell you is that I can think of a song or song lyrics for almost any situation or to say what I want to say without having to take the risk of actually saying it myself.

Where were you born?
Philadelphia (Two months early, transferred from one hospital to another in a basket in a police car...was turning blue...good times!)

1 comment:

Dionne said...

I love these kind of meme's. I enjoyed reading this!! If I get a chance I'll do it too.