Monday, June 18, 2007

Humanity defines a nation

A lot of people say that the United States' lack of humanity as it pertains to the unborn, the aged, and the infirmed is shameful. I would agree. So when I say this, I am not casting stones: Iraq has got to get its act together, and it has to begin with how they treat each other, especially those who are the weakest. This story just broke my heart. ***Be sure to watch the news clip that accompanies this story. It will break your heart, but will also show the contrast in the care and concern of our troops over many others in this world.


Ssssteve said...

Unbelievable!! How could a human do that to another!! Thank God for our troops and how they help!!

Sezme said...

I just don't get it.

How does a mother kill her unborn child? How does a husband hit a woman he is supposed to cherish? How does one human kill another?

This world really saddens me at times.