Monday, July 02, 2007


Before I get to the pimping, PLEASE remember to pray for Matthew Rager. He is a little boy, with a brain tumor, in need of prayer. (Please read his!)

Remember back in the day when we had those pencils with the faux fur at the eraser to make them look like trolls? Remember spinning them to make them look all freaky? do I.

Wild Bill has a bunch of stuff: Free reading material, bumper stickers, and a way to bring happiness into your life.

Redneck has disappeared on some kind of Canadian fishing trip, eh.

JT has been stuck on a quarter mile stretch of road for a while.

Little Miss Chatterbox has a really good cartoon about the Scooter Libby (can't get past the name) pardon of jail time.

CUG sees circles, and they're not crop circles.

Damian has hit more than 25,000 hits by now. Be nice if you visit, he's a youngin'.

Dragon Lady is making fun of her sister (shocker!), has a short story, and a good example of her husband's great sense of humor.

The Captain is back! He's riled up and has been jolted back to reality after his family vacation. God bless him, the Jersey shore for two weeks--I couldn't last a day. He deserves your visit. (There's a bunch of stuff there from Rachel and Wyatt, too.)

Ssssssssteve is probably on the road again, but the two most recent posts are really good ones.

John D. is all hopped up on SPAM and Wynona's, umm... rodent. On a related note, he now has a babe-o-the-week.

Rachel has an awesome story about giving the gift of eyeglass-free eyesight to soldiers going into war zones. Maybe it might inspire us to think of a way to help soldiers. Also, you can see if you could survive a Zombie attack.

FIAR has a bunch of linky-dink stuff and a really funny (maybe not so funny) run-in with a cashier who can't count change.

Wyatt has a ton of stuff: From a diatribe about the people he hates to his self-worth. He even chose my entry as the number caption for his contest this week. (Personally, I think Cowboy Blob's picture was funnier.)

Deathlok is feeling pretty good about the Flyers right now.

The MoxArgon group is working really hard to enlighten us Earthlings about how certain Earthlings are screwing up. They like it though, because it makes us an easier target for domination.

TJ has a faux news article update and a look at the Church of Gore. TJ is another blogger with really good posts....go read him!

Uber is back, kind of. Visit her anyway. :)

Von does a really good imitation of a dog. His boy likes it!


Anonymous said...

Bud "Skeeter" Libby is his brother's name. Thanks for the link.

Anonymous said...

You must be really bored or have nothing to do to read blogs all day. Man I wish I could read.

Dionne said...

Gotta love pimpin'!! Thanks for the link!!

Sezme said...

Wild Bill:
Ok, white-bread stuff cracks me up.

I read fast for a living--500-1000 pages of grading per week in addition to any reading the kids are doing. I get through my whole list in a half an hour (sometimes and most of the time with comments). Well, yeah, I have nothing to do right now, because I've had bronchitis for the past week and I don't feel like doing much. (I don't have a family keeping me busy, either.)

You're welcome.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link. And just for clarification (and in case my wife sees this), my blog has a babe of the week, not me personally.

Sezme said...

Heh. Sorry. ;P

As long as it is only your blog that has the babe. She just "appeared."

Rogue said...

Thanks RTV, for "Pimpin' my Blog"

Anonymous said...

Gees, I need to get a blog so you can pimp mine. I wish I could type though. Stupid public school system.

Sezme said...

Yep, it is the fault of the public schools. ;P'''''''''''''

There are typing softwares and online typing sites.

Get off your duff and get a blog!