Thursday, February 08, 2007


Well, I'll tell ya.
1. Since the end of last week, I've spent about 12 hours a day with teenagers.

2. I'm fried.

3. I'm training to become absolutely irresistible.

4. I've been thinking (heavily) of things I wouldn't dare post on this site.

5. I'm beginning to assume my Valentine's Day position--fetal.

6. I'm trying to figure out how homemade ice cream is better than store bought.

7. I'm still trying to get the image of Harry Potter, naked, out of my head. He's only 17. But, damn, Harry!

8. I was kidnapped by a band of gypsies and I've been telling fortunes.

9. I got my tongue stuck on a flag pole due to a triple dog dare.

10. Because my posts suck!

I know you're dying to caption this picture, so go ahead. Maybe this will be my "after" picture in another year. A girl can dream.


rachel said...

Meh, Harry Potter's got nothing to worry about. By the time you track him down with your average net-stalking skills, he'll be 34.

And fat.

Sezme said...

Heh! Well, at least he'd be easy to catch given his inability to run. The gasping for breath would be confusing though..."happy"....or...heart attack?

Dionne said...

LOL :-) You always come up with such great stuff. I don't know how either of you will feel about this comment but you are a female version of Wyatt :-)!! I mean it as a compliment when it comes to humor in case you were wondering ;-)!

Uber said...

Personally, I'd use the photo for a Valentine's post and caption it "Buy me stuff! Or else..." Hey, it works.

As for #4 (I hear that, I'm there so much I've thought of starting an anonymous side blog and spillin' it just for the shock value and, but I gotta #4 in any way related to #7? If so you, totally just went there and if not then 7 must be pretty out there. *g*

Sezme said...

Actually, I take it as a compliment. Well, as long as you don't think I have his truly evil side. HA!

I'm not sure Wyatt will see it as a compliment, though.

How's the book coming along? Can you work in a Potter cameo? Sorry. Number four has nothing to do with number seven. Number four is a 24/7 affliction. Maybe I'll write a few "romance" novels over the summer to compensate. I think it happens to literary types. I go into it further, but then I'd be saying too much. Number seven was an oops. I thought the guy was in his 20s by now. I'm so not up on the Potter stuff. After I looked at the pictures and was all, "DAMN," I read that he was only 17. I felt kind of weird.

I have my Valentine's Day post planned. It will be short, very short.

Fiar, Fiar, Fiar...don't you know who Fergie is? Geeez...Go update your blog!

The Conservative UAW Guy said...

I believed all of them except number 10.

Uber said...

The book is coming along slowly but surely. I'm getting lost in research. Interesting stuff! There's actually a whole lotta money to be made writing romance...I almost went in that direction myself last year just for the bucks (formula, short and sweet). Careful there though, the Big Guy might pull you in other directions (kicking and screaming even) like He did me. *g* That's never good, the kicking and screaming part anyhow.

File this under "confessions of a bad blogger"- I once checked out a 17 yr old myself, think I was about 29 (you know, when the whole prime thing kicks in lol). It was just an evil chuckle thinking "dang he's hot" and later I found out his age. I too felt pretty creepy so went to a good friend to confess and she informed me that this was perfectly normal...confessing was what is abnormal (she yelled the last part at me lol). Whaddyado? I guess it's only fair that we have to experience this stuff (that we've raged on men about) at some point in our lives. ;)

Sezme said...

Ok, Y'all...I'm whispering this in Uber's ear right now....I'm 38 and the "prime" only gets worse...well better, but know what I mean.

Funny thing about the "Big Guy"...around September I clearly stated that I was willing to be moved...out of my job, out of state, out of my name it...clearly gave it to Him. I seriously want any writing that gets for-real published to be centered on the "Big Guy," though. So...we'll see.

Ok. y' can listen again.