Saturday, February 17, 2007

Feel like reading?

I'm in the middle of a new horror novel and I got to thinking about some literature I'd read in the past that I really liked. Usually, I like dark writing that gets inside of how people work. I especially like Southern Gothic literature (yes, that's what it's called). I'll have a book review for you all in a couple of days for the book I am reading; but for now, if you feel like reading a short story, check out Flannery O'Connor's "Good Country People." It is about a girl and a Bible salesman, but of course it is a little sick and it is not all that simple of a relationship. Well, it is Southern Gothic.


Anonymous said...

Huumph! I thought Southern Gothic was an architectural style.
Something on the order of a beat up trailer with two Trans-ams on blocks out front.


Sezme said...

No. That is the scariest of all Gothic: Springer. (Btw, people from my town have been on Springer and Maury...our homes are firmly attached to the ground via cellars.)

Captain America said...

Southern Gothic??? Yikes! I'm scared already.

Sezme said...

The writers do anything but keep to Southern stereotypes; thus, the characters tend to be dark and deeply flawed. A really good one is "A Rose for Emily" by William Faulkner.

The stories are a lot of fun to analyze.