Friday, February 16, 2007

Outside my warming


Anonymous said...

Well,the icicles LOOK warm.


Sezme said...


Anonymous said...

I heard somewhere (maybe Rush) that It was cold because the Ice Caps are melting, and sending cold temperatures southward. Either way, extremely hot or extremely cold, it's global warming!! Al Gore 4 life!1!

Sezme said...

I heard the same things somewhere, too. It is supposed to 50 degrees next week.

Whatever. I don't control the thermostat, God does. He'll take care of it. If He chooses not to...there will be mass famine, thirst, disease, and...oh, this is all covered in the book of Revelations.

Can you tell I've had some beer? I'm so friggin' bored right now it isn't funny. Hope your carpet got laid. (I think there is a joke in there somewhere.)