Saturday, May 05, 2007

Stealing the pillow...

I have this "guy" that sleeps with me. Lately, he thinks that my pillow belongs to him. Tonight, while I was watching t.v. and surfing the web, I felt this gentle tap on the back of my head. When I turned, I saw this and realized I was being asked to move.


Dionne said...

LOL :-) How totally cute!!

Anonymous said...

Cute, my rosie one. That's a submit or else look. Trust me.


Anonymous said...

I have a cat that used to paw at my head every night. It was declawed but it would wake me up every night because it was constant. I was half asleep one night and I think I might have launched it across the room. I still have her but she never did it again. Felt a little bad about it but I am getting better sleep now.

Sezme said...

LMC: Yes...he's my Bussie MacFussie!

Can't say I've seen that look in a long time. ;P

I've done that by accident, myself. Most nights he sleeps by my feet and I've sent him flying a few times. Poor thing.

The Conservative UAW Guy said...

Major cutie-pie!

Sezme said...

At least he loves me.