Monday, May 14, 2007

Drum roll please.........

Despite the crappy blood results (still waiting to hear about the new results) and the on-going issues that contribute to weight issues....I have lost 16 pounds in the past month!!!! In fact, 10 of those pounds have come after I've decided to become somewhat vegetarian. Now before you begin the, "die hippy" chants. I still eat meat, just a little over the weekends and some fish during the week, but for the most part, I've noticed improved overall health. I have to stay away from stuff and whatever is getting put into the meat is bugging me. I've done really well with the carbs, too.

That means I'm 40 pounds lighter than this time last year!!!! Ummm....don't think I'll celebrate with cake. :)

I was wondering why some of my spunk and sassiness was beginning to return.


Anonymous said...

Good job, RT. Sixteen pounds in a month is pretty impressive. Keep up the good work.

I'm fighting the same battle right now, myself (have to keep in the good graces of the military).

Sezme said...

I'd have to say I had to do a double-take when I looked at the scale. My scale shows my last weight and my present weight...I was really happy.

I used to have a friend that was in the reserves...all the lovely physicals, blood tests, phys. fitness...yay!!! It is for your own good in the long run, though.

Anonymous said...

Cool. If you run out of pounds to lose, I'll give you some of mine.

Anonymous said...

Poop, that was me.


Sezme said...

Pounds are something I won't be running short of any time soon. This is going to be a long process.

Dionne said...

Very impressive, Congrats!!!!!!!!