Friday, May 25, 2007

CAPTION CONTEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah. I know Everybody and their mutha has a caption contest, but I couldn't pass this up. Damn. I've got like five captions in my small little brain, but I thought I'd let you guys have all the fun!

Here's the article in case you're interested in the story.

Other caption contests I've visited (they have more links):

The winners will be posted Wednesday evening.

THE WINNERS!!!!!! (Thanks for all of the entries! Really.)

1. 2spothipshot: "...And this little piggy ate my magnum..."

2. Skul: BACON!!!!!!

3. Rodney Dill:

Donald Trump - 1
Rosie O'Donnell - 0

4. Captain America: The real reason Rosie O'Donnel left the view early...

5. Wyatt Earp said: Sssteve shown shortly after his unsuccessful charge at Wyatt.


2spothipshot said...

Found on page 666,this was the actual pork in the Dems "support the troops" bill.

2spothipshot said...

Just thinking of the Wonder white and mayo required to complete his culinary fantasy had Cletus salivating into a mild coma.

2spothipshot said...

Man, without all the lense filters and make-up, Rosie really IS "hard on the eyes".

2spothipshot said...

"SCREW THAT! YOU mount the thing and yell 'Sooey!'"

2spothipshot said...

Posing with "fans" for a buck a shot was her only gig,once America realized that Rosie was serious in her defamation of the troops.

2spothipshot said...

After this specimen ate,trampled and hunped several of its members to death,the PETA protesters voted to, "Take that bastard out!".

Anonymous said...



Cowboy Blob said...

How much ya wanna bet the kid's sitting 20 yards beyond the pig?

Buckaroo Banzai said...

Sssteve shown shortly after his unsuccessful charge at Wyatt.


Rodney Dill said...

Donald Trump - 1
Rosie O'Donnell - 0

2spothipshot said...

"...And this little piggy ate my magnum..."

Captain America said...

The real reason Rosie O'Donnel left the view early...

Anonymous said...

I saw this in the news a couple days ago. Kind of irritated me a bit. An eleven year old with a 500S&W uses five shots to down the hog on a canned hunt. Took three hours to do it. Daddy has a rifle in case things went south. Lots of red flags here. Sorry folks, I hunt, and that sort of thing just gets my thong in a bunch.
