Tuesday, March 13, 2007

That blows!

I'm in a grumble-guss kind of mood. It just sucks how one person can come back to haunt you and cause you unneeded grrrr when you otherwise feel happy....the happiest in years. So, since I'm feeling full of Wyatt-like bile, I thought I'd try something called "that blows!"

I had my new contact lenses less than 24 hours and one ripped....that blows. (Got a new one for free...all is well...still blows, though.)

I chipped a nail today. That blows.

I'm closer to 40 than I am 30. That blows.

I have about ten hours worth of grading to do (all of which was collected today) and more to add onto the pile, tomorrow. Yeah, that really blows.

I can't write what I really want to write....that blows. You know it is bad when you are censoring yourself.

I think I need to go eat some bacon or something. Wait, I don't have bacon...that blows..


Buckaroo Banzai said...

SYLG blows.

I am sick as a dog, and still have to go to work, coach lacrosse, and play ice hockey with a fever. That blows.

Sezme said...

I've been sick since Friday with a sinus infection from hell, have to go to work with 1600 students, and not play ice, but drive an hour on 295, each way...that blows!

The Flyers blow.

American Idol blows.

Wanting ice cream and not having any--that blows.

Being fat. That blows.

Ummmm.....blows squared!

Dionne said...

LOL :-) Fun post!!

Anonymous said...

Not having Von see this post --priceless.
Having Von see the post -- that blows.


Sezme said...

Where is Von? I even put a special photo for him in my "headlines" post from last week. Someone needs to wake him up or something. He is too busy writing posts about his screen and its appearance.

Anonymous said...

Ya, I saw that. The tissy-friss. Probably pickin' his blow hole.


Sezme said...

Well, that just blows.