Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Ninety-three is the magic number, folks. It isn't just the number of attorneys that Clinton dismissed (yup...didn't see the devilcrats crying over that one). Ninety-three is the magic number of hits I need to reach 5,000. Now, granted, I'm responsible for at least 4,000 of those hits, but I can't hit myself 93 times, that would hurt--a lot. I'd be bruised. You don't want me bruised and battered do you?

I'd make promises in exchange for your hits, but you are all female, married, or engaged. I don't go in any of those directions. So all I can promise is that I will continue to hit you all many times a day, just about every day.

Update: 3/15/07-I now need 69 hits!!!! Heh...69.


Anonymous said...

OK, OK, here's one. Only 92 to go now. Sheesh.


Sezme said...

It figures that I post this and I get nine hits all day. Dambit.

Anonymous said...

I take four of mine back. Where are you now?


Sezme said...

I'm right behind you ready to strike!

Anonymous said...




Sezme said...

Geeez! You get all girly over a little smack to the back of the head? Your wife must wear the pants in the family. ;P