Thursday, March 22, 2007

I should be asleep.

I tried going to bed two hours ago. My legs and feet decided to have a party and didn't invite me. I think my thyroid is punking out again. My legs and feet are cramping for the second night in a row. I'm used to the "signs." This hasn't happened in a while. I see the appropriate doctor in a couple of weeks, so I'm chill. Just in pain and can't sleep. Grrrrrrrrr....

So what kind of stupid stuff can I say tonight?

The moving thing is looking for real in about a year. Who knnows? It could happen sooner. I'm trying to just take it as it comes, but I will almost most definitely be moving to a warmer climate. Some cold is better than bitter cold.

Hmmmm. Nothing else to report. I think I'll hook you all up with some linky dinks soon and post the winners of the caption contest a few people decided to try. You'd think Gore would invoke more silliness. Guess not. He really is an ass. Doesn't anyone on the left remember the PMRC? Doesn't the idea of censorship bother them? Oh, yeah. These are the same people that burn a soldier in effigy (not checking my spelling tonight) and fight for the right to kill babies. Ok, sorry I forgot there for a second. Figures that people with the stankiest breath have the biggest mouths and blow the hottest air. PU!


Anonymous said...

Good luck with the whole moving thing! It's friggin' exhausting!

Deathlok said...

Moving is the worst! Hope all goes well!

Sezme said...

Oh, I have a little while to get all neurotic and anxious. The fun part is that I have an opportunity that I never thought I'd have. :)