Saturday, September 30, 2006

Mixed Emotions

In the past hour I've experienced frustration, laughter, and crying.

In the past hour I've finally installed my feel like Speedy Gonzalez right now.

In the past hour I've experienced best friend and friend since I was twelve...well she just asked me to take part in her wedding. I didn't know she was engaged. SURPRISE!

In the past hour I've experienced tears: I'm sad, because when is it going to be me that gets to fall in love...the real kind. I'm sad, because my friend of 25 years will be moving away in June when she gets married. Her husband-t0-be is an officer in the Army.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not jealous, but I've been dealing with a lot and we always commiserated with our broken hearts and poor choices in men. I'm happier for her than I could ever express, but it is all way too emotional for me right now.

I'm gonna go hide under my covers...after I watch the Muppet Matrix.

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