First, I want to thank you all for reading my meltdown. There are more important things in the world and people experiencing way more hardship than I do.
The past few years have been quite frustrating. My health, my mom losing her job, one grandparent dying, then another willing herself to die, and a father who is like a child...well...it all gets to be a bit much. To compound it all, I've put a lot of things I've wanted "on hold."
So...I'm gonna make a short list of things that are selfish on my part, but I hope ease my frustration.
1. Lose the weight and stop talking about it.
2. Make time to get fresh air.
3. Leave school at school.
4. Stop whining. :)
5. Find a partner in crime with whom I can have much fun...(Kept that one clean, didn't I?)
A positive attitude has to begin somewhere. I can't let other people dictate my happiness. Hell, they've dictated how miserable I have become.
Thank you, all, for your patience with my rant and my "thinking aloud" to figure out a solution.
If none of this works, I can always tell them all to get bent, get a job, get some balls, and I'm leaving.
It's not selfish to want a good life for yourself. Honestly, you can do more good for others if you yourself are healthier and happier.
Much luck and encouragement!
Thank you.
Chin up RT, stay your happy self.
Can't I just kick some asses? I know it is not lady-like. Maybe I'll join a mixed martial arts gym and become a lethal weapon. ;P I'd be too distracted by the men.
You don't mean the type of "chin up" Bobby Knight laid on one his players do you?
Sounds like you're on the right track!! You can't change your family, you just accept them imperfections and all and try to spend as little time as possible with the ones who drag you down.
I get stuck on the whole, "honor thy mother and father" thing. They are making it hard.
Well, RT, I'm sure you've had more advice than you can stand, but here's my $0.02: You can't help people that don't want help, and if you let them beat you down, you won't be able to help them if they decide they want it.
There it is, short and bitter. I hope things start looking up for you.
Thank you. Really.
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